• 植物化学基準製造者
  • ホーム
  • 植物化学基準
  • 製品使用の引用文献
  • 顧客サポート
  • お問い合わせ
  • 会社案内
  • How to Order
    We keep the ordering process as simple and straight forward as possible. You may order to us or our distributors, by email or by phone or fax. Whatever your preference, your order will be easy, secure, and dealt with quickly. You may pay via Purchase Order Number (PO#), credit card or wire transfer.

    Orders via your E-mail, your procurement department or fax are simple. All we need is:

    § Product number / Name / CAS No.
    § Delivery address
    § Ordering/billing address (if different from delivery address)
    § Contact information (order or user name, email address and phone number)

    Please send your order or any questions to: manager@chemfaces.com
    Terms of Payment
    We always want to establish safe and equal business cooperation . In order to make our cooperation will be more happy , we supply the following payment Options:

    1. Usually our payment term is 100% T/T in advance.

    2. For long term cooperation client and distributor that signed the agreement with our the payment term is NET 30 days .

    3. We accept the following payment method:
    § Wire transfer
    § Credit card
    § Paypal
    § Western Union

    1. For the client that make the 100% T/T in advance , we promise we will make delivery within 1-3 days after receive the payment.

    2. For client that the payment term is net 30 days , we promise make delivery within 1-3 days after get the P/O.

    3. If the products that client requested need Re production or customization , we have the right to tell client that delivery time should be postponed.